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 Delivering Safe, Convenient, and Accessible Healthcare During Covid-19

With Telemedicine

  • No need to take time off of work

  • No transportation cost

  • Less chance of catching a new illness

  • Less time in the waiting room

  • Access to a Certified Primary Care Provider

  • Reduced Rural Barriers to Care

  • Reduced Healthcare Cost

  • Providing Virtual Care, Anytime, Anywhere...

    Every Virtual Visit A Healing Experience!

    Compassionate and Trusted Provider

    Dr. Aldea is a Board Certified Family Physician with over ten years of clinical experience handling adult and pediatric diseases, providing acute and chronic care, practicing preventive and holistic medicine.

    Private and Secure

    Your information is safe and your online consultations are completely confidential.

    Affordable and Easy To Use Scheduling System (HIPAA Compliant)

    Book your appointments with advanced, yet simple scheduling features and get notified by email and SMS reminders.

    Available nationwide, pay using your e-wallets, ATM/CC, or PayPal.

    Simple, Free, and Secure Telemedicine Solution (HIPAA Compliant)

    A doctor visit by phone or video, the choice depends on you, and availability of alternatives.

    Take control of your health NOW.

    Because not every "doctor"... is a FIVE-STAR DOCTOR

    Trusted and recognized health partner.


    Better Health Starts At Home.

    Dr. Aldea Telemedicine & Virtual Care

    Consult with a Board Certified Family Physician Provider anytime, without ever leaving your home. 

    Real-time Telemed Interactive Care Ensures Your Safety First

    Equals Better Health.

    Conditions Appropriate for Telemedicine

    Schedule An Appointment
    • Urgent Care

      Covid-19 Concerns

      Chronic Care 

      Follow-up on Results

      Medication Refills

      Preventive Health

      Behavioral Health 

      Family & Relationships

    • Schedule An Appointment
  • Here to Answer Your Health Concerns

    Conditions I can help you with:

    Urgent Care

    Require immediate attention but non-life threatening

    Headaches, Ear problems, Sinus infections, Allergic rhinitis, Nausea & vomiting, Asthma

    Skin conditions (Acne, Rash, Allergies, Insect Bites, Hives, Cellulitis)

    Urinary tract infection (UTI), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Covid-19 Concerns

    Screening for Covid-19, testing recommendations, guidance on isolation or quarantine

    Fever, Cough, Cold, Sore throat, Loss of sense of smell / taste, Difficulty of breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or joint pains, Diarrhea

    Travel history in the last 14 days to a place with sustained community transmission of COVID-19

    History of close contact exposure w/a confirmed Covid-19 case either through provision of direct care, working or staying in the same environment

    Chronic Care

    Continuity of care for pre-existing, on-going health conditions

    Weight management, Obesity, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Metabolic Syndrome, Thyroid Disorders 

    Preventive Health

    Health Maintenance (Health Promotion & Disease Prevention), Nutrition Counseling, Screenings

    Anxiety & Depression, Stress Management, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia

    Behavioral Health

    Mental Health Counseling

    Anxiety & Depression, Trauma, Bereavement

    Family & Relationships 

    Family Systems Medicine, Impact of Illness, Family Psychodynamics

    Family Therapy & Counselling

    Better Health Starts At Home.

    Dr. Aldea Telemedicine & Virtual Care

    Consult with a Board Certified Family Physician Provider anytime, without ever leaving your home.